Twisted StrongArm Bracket w 2 Plastic Bend Supports for 16 Stud Bays Use when stubbing out with ½ flexible CTS tube StrongArm™ brackets provide a very rigid installation Plastic elbow swivels 360° to work with tubing coming from any direction PEX Bend LockBlocks™ are pre-assembled on each pair of brackets Position stub outs at any…
½ flexible CTS PEX Bend Support Forms tight 90° bends in flexible CTS without kinking Different mounting options available for securing directly to structure IEZJ411372
¾ flexible CTS PEX Bend Support Forms tight 90° bends in flexible CTS without kinking Different mounting options available for securing directly to structure IEZJ411371
Tube Hanger, 1 2 in CTS Pipe Tube, 12 lb Load, Polyethylene, Domestic Preloaded ring-shank nail ensures a permanent hold Provides ¼ stand-off Snaps onto tube for “hands-free” installation Isolates tube from surface to reduce heat loss and noise transfer Allows tube to expand and contract Compatible with copper, PEX and CPVC PVZ1L20604
1 2 CTS with nail, 1,000 bucket SiouxStrap™ Preloaded ring-shank nail ensures a permanent hold Provides ¼ stand-off Snaps onto tube for “hands-free” installation Isolates tube from surface to reduce heat loss and noise transfer Allows tube to expand and contract Compatible with copper, PEX and CPVC IEZJ411315